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Recap | Apr 18 | Beijing

AHK Innovation Night Beijing

In collaboration with Huawei, the German Chamber of Commerce in China held the AHK Innovation Night Beijing 2024 on April 18 at WeWork Beijing with over 130 participants. 8 innovative companies pitched their creative business ideas and competed for the AHK Innovation Night Award – Beijing.Stardust has been awarded the second place !

携手华为,中国德国商会4月18日晚在北京WeWork举办了“德国商会创新之夜 – 北京”活动。活动共有超过130多人参加。8家创新型公司逐一展示了他们的商业创意,角逐“德商会创新之夜-北京大奖”星尘数据Stardust荣获第二名

梅赛德斯·奔驰大中华区高级执行副总裁Hans Georg Engel博士为星尘数据Stardust颁奖

Stardust is at the forefront of AI data technology, dedicated to fueling AI innovation with data. Our strength lies in the comprehensive AI lifecycle data full-stack system that constantly pushes the envelope in data creation, management, corner cases data mining, and model analysis. Together with our global partners, we're committed to offering data services that are smoother, more accessible, and state-of-the-art to the AI industry.



Ms. Kathrin Wolfsgruber, Deputy Executive Director of German Chamber of Commerce China · North China and Mr. Conan Quan, Vice President of WeWork Greater China, gave welcome speeches. 

中国德国商会·华北及东北地区副执行董事Kathrin Wolfsgruber女士和WeWork大中华区副总裁Conan Quan先生致欢迎辞。

Ms. Xiaolei Duan, General Manager, Global Startup Ecosystem Huawei Cloud and Prof. Dr. Hans Georg Engel, Senior Executive Vice President, Mercedes-Benz Greater China, gave insightful keynote speeches to the audience regarding their innovation path and cooperation programs with Startups. 

华为云全球初创生态发展总经理段小蕾女士和梅赛德斯·奔驰大中华区高级执行副总裁Hans Georg Engel博士向观众发表了精彩的主题演讲, 介绍他们如何打造创新的生态,以及与初创企业合作的项目。

8 selected innovative companies in the fields of Green Development, Industrial Solutions, Life Science, and Social Technology pitched their business idea to 6 professional jury members and the audience.


After intense competition, Polymerize, Stardust, and Edgenesis won the first, second, and third prizes of the “AHK Innovation Night Award – Beijing” respectively.

经过激烈的角逐,Polymerize、Stardust和Edgenesis三家公司分别获得了“德商会创新之夜-北京大奖” 的前三名。


星尘数据(Stardust AI)是一家以AI全生命周期数据闭环系统为基座,实现数据生产、数据管理、难例发现、模型推理等环节的前沿科技公司,成立于2017年5月,总部位于北京。星尘数据通过应用机器学习算法开发出高效的自动化标注Autolabeling工具Rosetta,为标注产业注入科技和创新基因;同时,通过星尘COSMO大模型数据金字塔解决方案切入大模型数据市场,赋能国内外大模型公司AI算法迭代和数据闭环。目前,星尘数据Rosetta平台年处理数据量数亿,自动化水平达到70%以上,数据质量达到99.9%,达到国际领先水平。MorningStar是首款专注数据价值发现的Al数据闭环产品,将助力企业在AI 2.0时代打造差异化竞争力壁垒。


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